Tall, Heavy, Healthy, and Determined

Sawyer went to see his doctor today for his 9 month appointment. We were all happy to hear that there aren't any regularly scheduled vaccinations at this appointment! So here are the official specs:
height: 29" (75th percentile)
weight: 21lbs 8 oz (70th percentile)
head circumference: 18" (60th percentile) Sawyer has also had some really cool developmental stuff happen in the last week. He has begun waving good-bye and he gives kisses (he leans in with his forehead or with a slobbery open mouth). He is stacking his nesting cups- and continues to put all sorts of objects into larger containers--- most recently he is obsessed with putting objects (balls, blocks, stuffed animals, spit up rags) into the neat ball he is playing with above. Sawyer also finally decided that he likes pasta- preferably spinach pasta.

And finally, Sawyer is cutting two new teeth. His top front right tooth is breaking through and the top front left tooth has formed a big bump on his gums but isn't cutting through yet.

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