gym time

I missed posting last night. I got very sick last week with a stomach bug that is all around our community. Dan quarantined me and as a result, I think, both he and Sawyer have emerged unscathed. Nonetheless, I am behind on everything.

I have been taking Sawyer to a place called Gymboree for the last couple of months. He goes to one "class" a week where he gets to see the same kids on a regular basis and then we usually go one other time a week to play on their totally padded indoor playground. It is a great alternative to the park when it is cold and blustery here. Last week, Dan had an hour between work and school and he met up with us for some play time. Here are some pics:

One of Sawyer's biggest tasks of the last week has been learning how to get down from standing with a little more control. Here is a little video we caught.

In other news, Sawyer got his second tooth on Wednesday! It is is the bottom center left tooth. He is a cutie. Still no good shots of his teeth. A few final pics from the week:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute baby!