A day in the life...

We had a pretty low key weekend. Here are some moments from our days...
Sawyer happy as a clam just after a bath.
Here is a little video of Sawyer's new favorite activity: practicing standing and dismounting! Dan swears he says "I did" at the beginning of the video.

He doesn't go to the dog park with us often but he sure did enjoy watching all the dogs this afternoon! The park was filled with frolicking canines and he just loved it. (Check out the cool red race car shoes he got from the Champ family! Thanks Champs!)

Here is the start to my latest mobile project: a Brown Bear (and friends) mobile. I have decided that Sawyer's room should be filled with mobiles of every theme, shape, and color. Ideally, I will make them all. I used Dan's new scroll saw (he got off of Craigslist for $15!) to cut the shapes (Gold Fish and Yellow Duck bellow). On their way... stay tuned for the final stages and results!

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