Snowy week

Here are some pictures from our last week. We have tons of pictures and videos from the last week. Our nanny was sick all week *and* we were hit with an epic snow storm that dropped 12-16" in town. Dan and I juggled work schedules and got some extra time off due to the storm closures so we got a lot of really quality time with little Saw. I am down loading all the pictures today. Stay tuned for videos in the next couple of days.

Yes, he is playing the harmonica more. Videos of this will follow in a couple days.

At one week shy of his 1 year birthday, we finally turned Sawyer's car seat around to face forward. What a great change! He loves how much more he can see, we love being able to see him more easily and the extra leg room for the passenger seat. He has been very proud of this new change!
Sawyer has decided that a cardboard box makes a fine place to play. He likes to sit in it and play and loves it when he gets rides around the house in it.

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