Kitchen cabinet explorations

Sawyer has been exploring new parts of the house. Right now, the kitchen is his favorite room. He is learning about drawers and cabinets and that they hold many treasures. He really loves the kitchen cabinet that we have left without a safety latch and filled with metal bowls and plastic tupperware. He likes to pull out everything in the cabinet, toss it around, crawl with items in his hands, and tempt the dog with his mischief...
.... and sometimes he just climbs all the way in.
Sawyer has also begun to really notice Doumri, our orange kitty. He used to think that Doumri was just an orange pillow that lives on our bed. He now realizes that the kitty is fun to touch. While Sawyer is learning to touch gently, he is also pulling fur and tails. Fortunately, Doumri has been pretty patient with him and is growing increasingly curious about little Saw himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Plenty of great cabinet space to explore at the island! Yeah!

Nana :)