Off to the races!

It is official. At exactly 6 1/2 months, Sawyer started crawling. For the last week he has made a pace or two at a time, usually flopping onto his belly. Now he has linked these paces together.

I couldn't get the video to upload here- so I put it on YouTube!

Since this video, he has started going on quests... all the way across the living room.

In other news, Sawyer went to his 6 month appointment a couple weeks late (because of vaccination scheduling)- at 6.5 months he is 18.1 lbs and 27" tall. That puts him in the 60th percentile for weight and the 70th percentile for height.

He continues to be happy and healthy and an utter joy!


Anonymous said...

So precious! Thanks for sharing this momentous event!

Unknown said...

Cutest, smartest, strongest baby I have ever seen!!! Wow!!!
-Sawyer's Dad

BE said...

My Sam loves watching Sawyer's videos. I think it is a great help in preparing for Charlie's arrival. He understands that Charlie won't be able to walk or talk upon birth. (Although, you never know what might happen. My OB starting referring to my cervical polyp as an "alien" on Monday.)