Meeting Family

Our trip was particularly memorable because we got to introduce Sawyer to so many family members he hadn't met yet. On this trip he met his Aunties and Uncles Kevin/Boo, Jen, Eric, Kaitlyn, and Greg; his cousins Aiden and Bella; his grandparents Poppa, Mimi, and John; his great grandparents Great Nana and Great Bumpa; his great Aunties Sherrie and Marie; his great Uncles Bruce and Great Uncle Rick and his kids Haley and Derrick... am I forgetting anyone?

Sawyer loved meeting everyone and so far isn't showing any signs of stranger anxiety. We were happy to see him passed from one set of loving hands to another. The words used most frequently to describe him, besides cute, were: strong and determined. Here are some pics from the wedding weekend:

John, Nana, Dan, and Sawyer:
Sawyer and Great Auntie Sherrie:
Here I am with Sawyer, Great Nana, Great Bumpa, and Dan:
Four generations of Smith men: Dan, Poppa, Sawyer, and Great Bumpa:
Poppa, Sawyer, Great Nana, Great Bumpa, and Mimi:Sawyer with his Auntie Kaitlyn:Auntie Jen and Sawyer:
Sawyer and his cousin Aiden:

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