week 16

Sawyer is looking like a real baby these days. Luckily, his roly-poly belly hasn't kept him from discovering and grabbing hold of his feet. He is beginning to become more interested in the images in his books. Brown Bear, hands down, is his favorite book. Every page turn elicits big smiles, wide eyes, and kicking legs. He also definitely wants to be hands-on in his book-learning.

Time on his belly has become much more fun. It helps when his friends, like Gerald the Giraffe (seen here) are there to keep him company. He is rolling over pretty regularly from belly to back if we help him figure out where to put his hands.He is definitely snuggly kid and if he can't snuggle with one of us, his burp rag will usually be his next choice.Here we are this evening- he is decked out in a cool outfit he got from his great Aunt Jacobijn and great Uncle Willem. Crazy widow's peak, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! How much does Sawyer weigh now... at week 16?

I love seeing the new updates on his blog! Thanks for being so diligent in keeping everyone up to date on his progress and growth!


Nana Smith (Val)