18 months!

We hiked Mt. Sanitas again this weekend- this time we went all the way up and over. Sawyer hiked about half of the way up and slept for about half of the way down. It was his first time up and over since he was about 15 lbs- which is about when I decided he was too heavy to carry up the staircase trail.... apparently I am not steadfast in my decisions as I was the one that carried him up the second half and Dan was the one that carried him down...

Sawyer is absolutely in love with planes and trains. He has a keen ear for both of them. Apparently Saturday mornings are popular with the local small-plane pilots because we saw more than a half dozen small planes on our hike. Sawyer was very, very excited. Here is a picture of Saw and Dan as Sawyer was scanning the sky for a plane he heard.We took a nice little break half way up with a great view of the Front Range foothills.

This weekend Sawyer hit the 18 month mark. He weighs 27.4 lbs and is 32.5" tall! He is becoming a real parrot and is learning lots of new words. His newest word is "turtle" which he began using on Friday afternoon when we saw a turtle at the ponds we visit regularly.

It looks like Sawyer is giving up his only white foods eating campaign! He is actually eating vegetables again (it has been about two months) and loves ketchup!

Some other big news these days is that Sawyer is giving up his binky! He had been using it less and less so on Friday night we decided to put him to bed without it and he did just fine. He hasn't used a binky since Friday afternoon nap at school. We are on night #3 and things are going well! Now we just have to see what happens during nap time at school tomorrow!

oh.. and he really likes wearing two hats... :)

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