Sawyer's first day of school!

Sawyer started school on Monday morning.  He did pretty well on his first day but was a little overwhelmed by the afternoon.  His teachers were very attentive and ended up carrying him a lot (sorry for them- he is 25lbs!).  His class mates are all 17 months or older- so he is definitely the little guy (even at his size).  Luckily, he has some good role models- his classmates are all washing their hands, sitting together for snacks and meals, and playing games together.  

We are keeping his days at school relatively short- 9:30-3:30 for now- so he gets some good time at home, at the park, walking the dog... doing all the stuff we usually do in the afternoons together.

I have forgotten to mention that he went in for his 1 year check-up a few weeks ago. He measured 24.5lbs and 30.5". He is still in the 70th percentile for weight and 75th for height.

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