Well, it has been two weeks since my last post- we have had a rough couple of weeks, but have found our footing again *and* Sawyer is back to full health and his chipper self!

The rash that we thought had cleared up two weeks ago came back we avengence and covered Sawyer from head to toe. His torso was bright red and inflamed for several days and he came down with a virus at the same time. The doctor still insists that the skin problems are due to eczema and prescribed hydrocortizone. Not wanting to rub steroids all over the little guy, we cut out a few foods he has been eating a lot of recently, kept him home from school to get over the virus, and treated his skin with a whole lot of lotion. He went back to school at the end of last week- virus gone and skin condition under control. As of this weekend there is no lasting sign of the skin condition. We are reintroducing foods and doing a patch-test of a skin lotion we suspect he is sensitive to...We'll see if it pops up again.
Oh- and it turns out he is getting 5(!) teeth in simultaneously (rather than 4)! One of the days he was feeling particularly miserable, we set up a comfy camp on the floor of the living room and just hung out on pillows and blankets and read books.
The great news is that he has really adjusted to being in school. He no longer gets upset when he is dropped off and he is eating pretty well. He still doesn't sleep very well there, which is too bad because on the weekends he naps for about 3 hours and clearly needs that sleep. Hopefully this
will improve soon too!
Here is a video of his improving spoon skills!:
So here is some news- Sawyer pooped on the toilet- twice! He has learned the sign for "poop" and has started using it to tell us if he has a dirty diaper and even sometimes to tell us he is going to need a clean diaper soon. So during his days home sick I started offering him the toilet when he gave us a warning sign- thinking at least he would get familiar with the idea-- and it worked! Now, I know he is still likely to be in diapers for a good bit longer, but it sure is nice to think that some day the diaper days will be over! I was going to post a little video- but figured I will just stick with this photo:
Other great news is that the farm we joined has begun supplying our weekly veggie and Oh!!! what a bounty! On Thursday, Sawyer and I biked to the pick-up place and got our bunches of: spring turnips, radishes, spinach, a braising mix of spicy greens, and a big bundle of Egyptian walking onions! What fun! Here is a pic of the cornucopia:
And here is the first meal we made from it: baked salmon served with roasted turnips with poppy seeks and paprika, and braising greens sauteed with a little balsamic vinegar. Wow!