Happy Birthday Sawyer!

Sawyer is 1. Last Saturday, we had a fun party for him and he enjoyed his first chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting (yum!).

Thanks for all the great gifts!

Sawyer is working on his thank you cards, but is going to take a little while.
First finger painting:

In the last few weeks he has really been using his signs more actively. Though sometimes he gets so excited he uses all of them at once, he is actually pretty effective and consistent in his use of: milk, more, eat, bath, book, and our favorite: help. He is learning to sign please but it often looks like a one-handed bath.

Sawyer continues to be a good sleeper. Until last week he was usually taking two good naps a day- sometimes skipping his afternoon nap. Last week we got word that he will start day care on May4th where he will only get one nap a day. Our nanny has been helping us move him toward one nap a day. Mostly it works fine, other days we have cranky afternoons/evenings.

He is still a good eater, though he does have his moods. Right now he loves to eat omelets and blueberries (though not together).

At one year Sawyer continues to entertain and amaze us. He is now really walking- all around the house, down the driveway, through the park, he walks and walks and walks.

His 1 year stats will come when he goes in for his big check up in a couple of weeks but on the bathroom scale he is weighing in around 25 pounds though he still likes to be cuddled while drinking a bottle sometimes.
Here are some other pics over the last week.

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