9 months!

Today, Sawyer is 9 months old. He is gaining weight more slowly now- up to 21 lbs- but seems to be stretching out a good bit. His 9 month appointment is in a week and a half- I will have all his exact measurements then.Sawyer continues to be an absolute delight. He loves meeting new people and trying new things. He loves taking baths, chasing the dog and cat, windy days, and pulling smiles out of everyone he is near. A few weeks ago, he switched from mostly preferring to eat mush to digging into handfuls of pasta, and chunks of veggies and fruit. Here is a little video from when we were on the island-- his stroller worked as a pretty decent high chair.

Sawyer started taking a music class last week. Each month, the class focuses on a different type of music--- this week began the lessons on the music of Queen- does it get any better than that?
He is learning to use his scoot more effectively... check this out!

On Monday, Sawyer's nanny Carolyn starts with us. We will spend a week or so getting Sawyer and Carolyn acquainted. Hopefully in that time they will develop a bond that will ease him through the transition nicely. I am sure he will be just fine. I am not so sure about me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone comments on that cute Sawyer, but what about that mustache on Dan! Go Dan!