Snowy week

Here are some pictures from our last week. We have tons of pictures and videos from the last week. Our nanny was sick all week *and* we were hit with an epic snow storm that dropped 12-16" in town. Dan and I juggled work schedules and got some extra time off due to the storm closures so we got a lot of really quality time with little Saw. I am down loading all the pictures today. Stay tuned for videos in the next couple of days.

Yes, he is playing the harmonica more. Videos of this will follow in a couple days.

At one week shy of his 1 year birthday, we finally turned Sawyer's car seat around to face forward. What a great change! He loves how much more he can see, we love being able to see him more easily and the extra leg room for the passenger seat. He has been very proud of this new change!
Sawyer has decided that a cardboard box makes a fine place to play. He likes to sit in it and play and loves it when he gets rides around the house in it.

spoons rings books and shades

Just some moments from our days:

Sawyer has been practicing using a spoon.

About two weeks ago, he began to put the rings on the post. Now he is working out the sequence that allows him to get them all on. He is pretty consistently stumped by the smallest ring. I think that because it has beads in it that rattle- making it more fun to play with- he always wants to put it on near the beginning. When he does, he runs out of space. This video is a little long but I think it is pretty cool to watch him work on figuring it out.

I got this great pic of Sawyer resting on a reclining Dan as they shared a book.
And finally, you gotta wear shades.

Sawyer's birthday wish list

Several of you have asked what Sawyer wants for his birthday. As you know, Sawyer is a very lucky baby and has all he really needs but we thought that it might be helpful if we offer some suggestions to those of you who delight in showering the little guy. We are trying to keep most of his toys simple and non-electronic- like the stuff here:

Sawyer loves books. And we, quite frankly, could use some new material.

Nesting/stacking toys
Sawyer loves his stacking/nesting cups. He can spend hours working on fitting them together. We were thinking that he might like something like these:

Refrigerator alphabet
Sawyer spends a lot of time in his high chair in the kitchen and while he loves looking at the pictures of loved ones we put up, we are thinking it might be time that he got to look at alphabet letters too!

He is currently wearing clothes for an 18-24 month old.
Oh! He needs a sun hat for all these sunny days!

this kid is walking

Yep, it is true. At 11 months a few days, Sawyer started walking. At first just a step or two and now, after a week, he is taking 5-6 steps. He prefers to practice his new skills walking between between us. When he is on his own he sometimes lets go of the furniture he is holding on to and ventures out for a couple of steps. Mostly, he stretches out his hands requesting a hand or two so he can practice.

Did I mention that he also likes to growl like a bear these days?

He still likes to practice by pushing chairs and stools around the house... though when he really wants to get somewhere fast- he drops to all fours to get there in a jiff.


This kid likes to laugh. He has been practicing lots of laughing sounds lately and has come to realize that he can elicit laughs out of others when he laughs. Here is a video of Sawyer sharing a laugh with Carolyn, our nanny.

Butterflies, Omi, and a hand-made hat

Omi came for a visit last weekend- so we took a trip to the butterfly pavilion. They enjoyed checking out the neat colors and patterns.
He got really excited and followed the flight path of the bright and beautiful butterflies.

And he got in some practice on two feet.

He got to check out a tarantula but we didn't let him touch it. I promise.
And finally, Sawyer's new hat! Omi knitted this great hat. It matches the sweater she knitted for Sawyer for Christmas. He loves it and looks awfully handsome in it!

Sawyer loves balloons

Today Sawyer is 11 months old and he got his first balloon. He loves - *loves*- balloons. When we go to the grocery store he gets so excited whenever he sees one...he reaches out to them and yes, he calls them "Dada"- that is how much he loves them. I brought a balloon home for him today and he was very, very excited.

I recently introduced Sawyer to a book I had as a kid: My Pets. He wants this book read to him 5,6,7,8 times in a row every day.